In the near future we plan to produce and develop our games and design our website in English and Spanish. But for now, the games are only in Spanish. Some of them contain small explanations in Spanish but they are easy enough for students or your children to try them out. So, why don't you test these games out, in which the main characters are called "Vedoques" (pronounced beh-doc-kes in English), strange beings that nobody knows where they came from:
- La Granja Matemática (Math Farm). The game is aimed at Primary School children. The player must click on the animal with the correct answer.
- El escondite (Hide-and-seek). As with the previous game. The player has to click on the correct answer of the sum in order to find Vedoques. You can select the appropriate level in the main page.
In following posts, we will show you other useful games and also publish our first game in English. Any feedback welcome.
(Thanks to Anuska for the translation)
Increasing your knowledge and saving the stock market.
Today i came across a fun quiz game called "Rescue the market" http://www.rescuethemarket.com where you answer fun trivia questions and influence a virtual market. for every question you answer correctly you add a point to the stock market :) and for every question you get wrong the market Loses a point. the stats are updated worldwide live so its kind of a fun to see how good you are.
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